Getting started with PYTHON!!! #2.2 - Escape Sequence

Getting started with PYTHON!!! #2.2 - Escape Sequence

Hello People, In this blog we'll talk about

  • What escape sequence actually is, types of escape sequence & how to use them.

Before we start with our lesson, let us recall Blog 2.1 .

  • We leant about variables(x) which is a symbolic name used to store some value, how to assign a variable(x=5). Similarly, Identifier is a name given for some value.
  • Keywords are pre-defined words which have pre-existent defination.
    global x=10    #global is a keyword here , this line signifies that x is a global variable.
  • Literals is the user-defined inputs given to an identifier. Eg : a=1 (1 is a numeric literal)
    n=5     #5 is numeric literal
    f=1.2     #1.2 is a floating literal
    c="a"     #a is a character literal
    s="Soham"    #Soham is a string literal
    b=True   #True is a boolean literal and True has a value of 1 whereas False has a value of 0 .

Now, let us start with our current topic, i.e, escape sequence. When we hear the term escape, the first thing that comes to our mind is going to a new place by exiting from an old place or getting out of something and entering a new domain by running away from previous statement . Similarly escape sequence is used to get out of a line and go to the next line or get away from a statement by a tab space.

ESCAPE SEQUENCE : An escape sequence is a set of characters that has a special meaning to the Python compiler. In the escape sequence, a character is preceded by a backslash ().

Python online compiler

  • \n (used for escaping to the nextline or newline)
    print("Hello viewer \n Welcome to my blog")


    Hello viewer
    Welcome to my blog
  • \t (used for horizontal tab space)
    print("Do share my blog. \t Thank You")


    Do share my blog.             Thank You
  • \v (used for vertical tab space)
    print("Do give feedback on my blog if it has been useful to you. \v Thank You")


    Do give feedback on my blog if it has been useful to you.  
                                                              Thank You
  • \xhhh (displays the character with the respective hexadecimal value)


    Hello World!
  • \ooo (displays the character with the respective octal value)


    Hello World!
  • \ (is used to ignore the backslash and newline)
    print("L1 \


    L1 Newline
  • \' or \" (is used to print the single or double quote)
    print("Hello \' Viewer\" ")


    Hello ' Viewer"